
Various Sensors 感應器

This country-made robot education kids is having satisfactory quality and pricing. Sensors include contact sensors, light sensors and vocal sensors.

Enquiry for Purchase 採購查詢


Noise from Motor 電機的噪音

Noice from motor affects the voice sensor. Kids suggest to wrap the motor with plastic sheets, for reducinng the noice. Not a bad idea !


Voice-Activated Car 聲控小車

We have kids to plan for and build a voice-actived car. Car moves forwards and backwards while kids shout. The wind turbine direction also changes accordingly.


Basic Flow of Robot Design 機械人的基本設計流程

1. Plan the control logic between -- e.g., motor, sensors, etc. 

2. Write the program, download to the robot's computer. Then, design your robot outlook. 
編程,並下載於機械人的大腦。 然後設計機械人的支架、外型。

3. Fine-tune your robot's design and program, until it meets your needs.


Nixie Tube LED Display 數碼管

This kind of Nixie Tube is having 8 pins for signals tranferred to 7 strokes plus 1 decimal place on the LED display.
Google-search with its model number "5101AS" for specifications.

這類數碼管共有8針 - 7 針控制數字上的 7 橫,餘下的 1 針是給小數點。
有關硬件規格可以其產品編號号 - "5101AS" 在網上搜尋到。

"Brain" of a Robot 機械人的"大腦"

"Brain" of a robot = CPU + Harddisk + RAM
that controls the power supplies, sensors (ie. input), and motors (ie. output), of a robot,
with proper control from programs (ie. logic).

機械人的"大腦" = 中央處理器 + 硬盤 + 記憶體
以控制機械人的 能量來源,感應器 (即: 輸入),及電機 (即: 輸出),
並配以切適的程序  (即: 邏緝)。