
Arduino Joystick to Control LED and Servo 操縱桿來控制LED和舵機 (video 視頻)

I love joystick as it means something that can be controlled easily on my own.
Another stupid reason is of it name "joy" ! :)

另一個愚蠢的原因是它的名字 “喜悅” :)

What is more, I would like to share with you a video of mine on how to use a joystick to control a led color and a motor.
Please add more creativity to your joystick project. :)

請把操縱桿項目添加更多的創意。 :)

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Weekend: Arduino Car 週末預告: Arduino 智能小車

One of the reasons that I enjoy writing this blog is that it provides me excuse to buy new toys and electronics frequently.

I have just ordered an Arduino car and some other accessories (in order to save postal charge). Looking forwards to its arrival tomorrow. Happy Arduinoing this weekend!



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"Makey Makey" Banana Piano 用香蕉蘋果也可以當綱琴!

Source / 圖片來自:makeymakey影片
This board, namely "MaKey MaKey could be hooked up to your computer with anything with little conductivity, like, banana, apple, tomato paste, to become a controller.

這個面板名為《MaKey MaKey》,只要利用這個控制面板連接電腦,無論是香蕉、蘋果、番茄醬都可以立刻化身為控制器喔!instead of using the

Source/ 原汁原味的內容在這裡>> http://news.gamme.com.tw/291987#ixzz1vaTA4Zep


I need a Herbal Cool 我需要清熱氣

With different pressure from being a IT product manager, a blogger and as the same time a mother, I need to enhancing my body resistance with "additional" help - an instance herbal cool. Cheers!
By the way, don't mis-understand, Bach Code is not a catering blog. :)

隨著不同的壓力: 作為 一個IT產品經理,一個博客,同時作為母親,我需要額外的幫助以增强身體抵抗力 - 即溶中藥酷。乾杯!
順便說一下,不要誤解,Bach Code 不是餐飲博客。:)


Arduino Binary "Second" Counter 二進位秒計 (video 視頻)

Sorry, due to shortage of materialsa binary clock to simplify as "second" counter.
A bit simple, don't laugh at me. :)

很抱歉,由於材料短缺,將個 二進位 "時鐘" 簡化成 二進位  "秒計" 。

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Arduino Binary Clock In Progress 二進位時鐘進行中

My Arduino binary clock is still in progress, but I just find insufficient wire, led diode, resistance. Should order more next time !


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Sew Arduino Circuit 縫Arduino電路

我想在這裡討論的是的Lilypad Arduino 。

Lilypad Arduino是一個特殊的的Arduino,可以縫在一起使用導電線程代替焊錫和烙鐵。




By the way, what I want to discuss here is the case of Lilypad Arduino.

Lilypad Arduino is a special Arduino kit that can be sewn together using conductive thread instead of solder and a soldering iron.

Sew circuits? What ridiculousness! Obviously something so simple, so interesting, so delicate couldn't possibly be a sufficient!

And the LEDs connected can be done by any household sewing machines.

Children (especially girls!) like it, because it is found to be charning. Sew together by the board? How fun!


"Simplified Technologies" for Kids? 孩子的 "簡化科技" ?

Science for Kids

當我告訴人們,我們的的目標之一是使更多的小孩子認識科技,並打算以簡單易明的基本工具, 甚至玩具提高科技學習的樂趣和方便性,很多人 - 通常是成人 - 擔心,那不是只教一些 “簡單化了” 科技知識嗎? 這個我並不同意。

科技本身就是建基於一些自然理論,本身並非複雜,只是隨著人類智慧的成長, 把這些自然的理論巧妙地連貫起來, 以實現一些繁複的運作- 即科技。小孩子必須從“基本工”學習,把那些自然理論融會貫通,才能明白現有科技的原理,甚至能舉一反三的進行創作、發明。

另外,小孩的耐性不及成人,“簡單化了” 科技學習提供一個他們 “我也能控制!〞 的成就感,這直接伸延了孩子的求知欲和興趣。

如果你也同意以上的想法,我認為我的真正的挑戰就是如何把複雜的東西以容易理解的方式演練出來。此外,還要以一個具有趣味性的方式演繹。這就是Bach Code 的任務。
When I tell people, one of our goals is to enable more children to recognize science and technology, with simple and easy-to-understand basic tools, and even toy technology, for fun and convenience learning.  Many people - often adults - worry about, this implies to teach "simplified" scientific and technological knowledge? I do not agree.

The technology is based on some natural theories, which itself is not complicated. However, with the growth of human wisdom, the theory of these natural cleverly linked up in order to achieve some complex operation - namely, science and technology. The children must learn from the natural theory of mastery in order to understand the principle of the existing technology. This provides kids with knowledge for judging the whole of creation, invention.

In addition, a child's patience is less than adults. "Simplified" technology learning provides a "I can control!" sense of accomplishment. This is a direct extension of the child's curiosity and interest.

If you agree with the above ideas. I think our real challenge is how to make complex things easy to understand, and how to drill out with an interesting interpretation. This is our task of Bach Code Technology.


Bi-Color LED Diode with Arduino 双色二極管 電路玩具演示

Let's have a color mixing game with bi-color LED diode and Arduino!
用双色二極管及Arduino 混出不同的色彩罷!

Contents 內容:
1. Components 組件
2. Arduino Software and Program Arduino軟件和程序
3. Implementing Circuit 實現電路

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Design of Mail-Box Alert System with Science Toys 以 科學玩具教材 設計 信箱通報系統

Design of Mail-Box Alert System with Science Toys  以 科學玩具教材 設計 信箱通報系統。
Please be patient for this > 6-mins video.  請耐心等待這> 6分鐘視頻。
Content:  內容:
1. Component (Photoresistor) introduction   元件(光敏)介紹
2. Symbol   符號
3. Circuit Design   電路設計
4. Implementation    實施

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Arduino Heart for Mother's Day 愛心母親節

Try make a "Arduino Heart" to surprise your mother in Mother's Day! Can't image there is module manufactured as shape of heart. Love it ! Happy Mother's Day!

試著為媽媽做一個 "Arduino心",在母親節聊表心意罷! 想不到市面上有心型模塊。超愛!祝母親節快樂!